You are welcome to submit your own immunoglobulin variable sequences to be included in our database.

  Please follow these formatting instructions:

  •FASTA format (*.fasta, *.fa).

  •File named as "Species_Strain_Tissue_IgClass_Sample.fasta".

  •The description line of fasta (the line beginning with ">"sign) includes sequence ID (must be unique for each sequence in the file).

Please send FASTA files (or multiple files in a single archive file) via email to:
For files larger than 20MB, please include a download link (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive etc.) in the email instead.
We are happy to include your related publication in the Review page.

Software material and data coming from NBIGV server may be used for academic research purposes only, provided that it is referred to NBIGV, and cited as "NBIGV, Non-B cell derived ImmunoGlobulin Variable region Database. (Founder and director: Xiaoyan Qiu, Center for Human Desease Genomics, Peking University Health Science Center)." For any other uses please contact